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Britain urges COVID-weary population to 'keep going'

Britain urges COVID-weary population to 'keep going' by Tree Elven on 25/02/2021
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  • Controversial
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With the lifting of COVID-19 coronavirus restrictions appearing on the horizon came a prickle of excitement that could easily fizz over into exuberance as the prospect of a return to normality for June 21 was dangled before a weary population. Some believe the entire nation will go crazy in individual ways when the date arrives, with those who can escaping to foreign climes and everyone getting back together with loved ones as fast as they possibly can. To avoid an early outbreak of spirits and movement that it feels could jeopardise recovery, the British government put out another campaign urging people to 'keep going'. "Every sacrifice, every day at home, every covered face, every wipe, every step aside, every 20-seconds, every friend unhugged, everything we're doing is helping stop the spread of Covid-19," says the female voiceover. The ad vividly portrays the burden of struggling under grey skies and entrapment. As with other government campaigns, there is a heavy emphasis on not overwhelming the National Health Service (NHS). What do you think of the ad? Do you think the message is a bit instructional, that it's taken understanding to a depressing level with this repetition of everyday suffering, that it could be delivered in a more upbeat way to help people 'keep going'? Or do you find it understanding in a good way and a useful, effective reminder for everyone to stay careful?

Keywords: COVID-19 coronavirus, UK government COVID campaigns, road out of lockdown Britain, Let's Keep Going, NHS public service announcements, MullenLowe


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