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Bollywood hit song 'Chaiyya Chaiyya' warms Canada's multicultural holidays

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Bollywood hit song 'Chaiyya Chaiyya' warms Canada's multicultural holidays by Tree Elven on 03/12/2021
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Some 20% of Canada's population are people of colour, and across the world, nations are blending cultural customs both in daily life and for special occasions. This festive season, Swedish multinational furniture and home accessories giant IKEA has come up with a cosy, friends and family campaign reflecting just that. Cheekily titled 'Assemble Together' - the challenge of assembling a piece of IKEA flat-packed furniture once you've got it home has probably done more to unite the world's peoples than most official peace initiatives - it shows a family of South Asian heritage in Canada gathering to celebrate the holidays. Does the one-minute film, set to the beat of a Bollywood favourite soundtrack, 'Chaiyya Chaiyya', succeed in representing blended yet distinctive traditions in a joyous way?

Keywords: IKEA Canada, second generation Asian families in Canada, IKEA Christmas ad, 'Chaiyya Chaiyya'. Christmas ads 2021, Rethink agency


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