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Artificial intelligence 'Remastering Memories' for Canadians

Artificial intelligence 'Remastering Memories' for Canadians by Tree Elven on 02/12/2022
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Veterans’ letters from World War I, World War II, and conflicts in Korea and Afghanistan are re-deployed in this campaign for the True Patriot Love Foundation, a Toronto-based national charity dedicated to supporting Canadian military members, veterans and their families. The campaign shows how artificial intelligence (AI) is used to interpret the written words from soldiers' letters as imagery. The idea is to bring home part of the real experience of military operations abroad to those who do not appreciate the importance of Remembrance Week, which marks the sacrifices made by those serving in the armed forces. Some will find it a powerful evocation and fitting tribute to raise awareness of what military service involves. There may be those who cavil at this initiative in a year when Canada was in the international headlines for a conflict inside its own borders as the peaceful Freedom Convoy / Convoi de la liberté of truckers made a stand against Covid-19 shot mandates. Others may deplore the sucking away of power of the imagination by turning words into what could be romanticised imagery. What are your thoughts?

Keywords: True Patriot Love Foundation, AI words to art, artificial intelligence, war, Remembrance Week Canada, Canadian military, Wunderman Thomson


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