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A new cult? Food worship, delivered to your door

A new cult? Food worship, delivered to your door by Tree Elven on 20/10/2022
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It says it's on a quest to make exceptional food more accessible. What do you think of this mystical, visually rich ad for Australia's food delivery service Providoor? Encouraging customers to join the 'cult' and worship food, Providoor specialises in deliveries of food from the nation's top restaurants, rather than the fast-food model adopted by many similar services. "It captures perfectly the reverence in which we, our chefs, restaurants and diners hold food and our shared pursuit of divine culinary experiences,” says the company. Many might think that after enduring among the worst lockdowns in the world as a result of policies around the Covid situation, Australians would be hitting up local eateries in their droves, rather than staying in to eat, no matter how high-brow the cuisine. But things are never that simple, of course. For a start, not everyone lives near a restaurant, or can drive. And, as more details of the damage inflicted on individuals, business and society by persistent lockdowns continues to trickle into the mainstream media, we are learning that some people are still reluctant to emerge from their homes or mingle with others. Whatever your attitude to food - and we all need/want it brought to us sometimes, for so many different reasons - Providoor is serving up its appealing offer in a flourishing sector: the global food delivery industry is expected to garner revenue upwards of US$323 billion by the end of 2022, and user penetration is predicted to stand at nearly 24%. Bon appetit!

Keywords: Providoor We Worship Food, food delivery Australia, Australian ads, global food delivery segment, Leilani Croucher Revolver, Emotive agency


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