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Emphasis on community for Census 2021

Emphasis on community for Census 2021 by Tree Elven on 22/02/2021
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"The census is a head count of everyone in the country on a given day," explains the UK's National Archives. "A census has been taken in England and Wales, and separately for Scotland, every ten years since 1801, with the exception of 1941." (World War 2) "The object of the census was not to obtain detailed information about individuals, but to provide information about the population as a whole; listing everyone by name, wherever they happened to be on a single night, was the most efficient way to count everybody once, and nobody twice." This year of 2021 is no exception, and in this campaign urging people to take part, there's a strong emphasis on community for the March 21, Census 2021 which will take place in Northern Ireland, England, and Wales. Scotland will have its next census in 2022. What do you think of the ad? Does it accurately reflect the population, do you feel? Because of COVID-19 coronavirus restrictions, the filming of the spot had to adhere to strict 'bubble' rules such as casting members of the same household for different vignettes. The idea of the Census is explained as helping in the planning of services such as transport and healthcare. The 2021 edition will also provide information relating to how the coronavirus situation affected different areas of the population. Under the 1920 Census Act, it is compulsory for every household to fill out a census form. There are many reasons why people may remain unaware of the Census, or choose not to fill it out. Again largely because of the coronavirus situation, the 2021 campaign was aiming for a 'digital-first' approach with an objective of more than 75% online completion.

Keywords: Census 2021, England & Wales 2021 census, population count Northern Ireland, population count England and Wales, ONS UK, Office National Statistics, M&C Saatchi


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