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California drives 'electric for all' message

California drives 'electric for all' message by Tree Elven on 25/01/2021
  • Amusing
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  • Controversial
  • Amusing
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California reinforces its reputation as the 'America but sooner' state of the USA with this airy, upbeat promotion starring animations of US actors Mark Ruffalo and Chloe Bennet alongside local climate change activists. It's put out by non-profit organisation Veloz, which unites both public and private sector stakeholders to spread the word about the importance of everyone shifting to electric vehicles as soon as possible for the sake of environmental and human health. What do you think of the 2'30" campaign? Nice and chirpy, especially welcome in current times? A good message delivered well?A bit too feelgood, not enough hard information about how electric batteries and other possible causes of environmental concern are produced? In the heavily vehicle-based society of California, air pollution causes multiple health issues; though wildfires have pushed it to the top of the hazard list recently, car pollution and diesel particulates are key factors in the state's struggle against poor air quality.

Keywords: Veloz, electric for all, California electric vehicles, EVs California, air pollution, electric cars and climate change, Mark Ruffalo, Chloe Bennet, Ayoni, Superconductor agency


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